MidWeek Business Roundtable: Sandi Tadaki

MidWeek Newspaper featured the Assistant Head of School and Admissions Director Sandi Tadaki in the December 4, 2024 issue in the Business Roundtable. 


By Sandi Tadaki

This I know is true: When kids hurt, parents hurt. 

When children feel “less than” because of ongoing school struggles related to reading, writing, and/or math difficulties or are stymied because they are bored, understimulated, and unchallenged in class, parents look for ways to move their keiki forward. This is where Assets School pops up in internet searches.

Assets is the only school in Hawaii that serves bright, capable learners whose weaknesses in reading (dyslexia), writing (dysgraphia), and/or math (dyscalculia) interfere with their success. We also educate children who are performing academically and/or intellectually above their peers, as well as twice-exceptional learners who are intellectually gifted but stymied by the aforementioned learning differences.

What separates us from other schools? Our 8:1 student-to-teacher ratio allows every student to be seen and heard and makes small-group instruction possible; children learn with others whose skill levels are comparable. In areas of difficulty, daily lessons fill in and establish strong foundations upon which to build and grow. As their skills develop, students are given tools and strategies to navigate other aspects of their program. Imagine a fourth-grader who can understand information at or above his grade level but who is reading at the second-grade level. Traditional approaches would not equip him to grow his knowledge and vocabulary base through independent reading. At Assets, this child could use audiobooks or text-to-speech apps, allowing him to “read with his ears” that which he cannot read with his eyes and keep up with his peers. Instruction for high-performing students focuses on their instructional needs and not be confined to grade-level standards.

Assets School students look through a microscope.

We believe enrichment activities are essential for providing children with opportunities to explore and develop their interests and strengths. For many, these “happy places” serve as critical counterbalances to any school difficulties. Consistent with this is our expectation that children can be challenged academically and intellectually while still having time and energy to pursue their passions. Neuroscience tells us that a calm, happy brain is primed for learning, whereas a stressed or anxious one is not.

In addition to providing an exceptional education to exceptional students, we support the wider community by providing free early reading screenings for grades K-3, psychoeducational and neuropsychological evaluations through our Transforming Lives Center, and professional development opportunities for educators.

For information on programs, tours, admissions, assessment, financial aid, etc., visit assets-school.org or call 808-423-1356.