Excellence Showcased at 2024 Mentorship Expo

High School students shined at the 2024 Mentorship Expo on Saturday, April 27. Students, families, mentors, and staff were mesmerized by the student presentations about what they learned during their weekly mentorship. Students also shared their challenges and how they overcame obstacles during their mentorship, which is like a job every Wednesday during the school year. After each presentation, audience members asked questions and were delighted by the students' answers. 

During his first day of mentorship at the Mililani Mauka Veterinary Clinic, Armando '25 excitedly shared his experience observing a rabbit and some birds. A standout moment for him was welcoming a lively puppy into the clinic.

"Every time I picked him up, he was happy," said Armando. "What I loved about the mentorship was being able to help our family with our dog at the clinic. I may want to be a veterinarian someday or something else."  

"I loved to see him smile when I picked him up from mentorship," said Armando's dad, Bill.

Mentoshrip students Sharise and Emily with Hoʻoulu ʻĀina mentors and family

Sharise '24 and Emily '25 with their families and mentors from Hoʻoulu ʻĀina at the Mentorship Expo at Damon Hall at Assets High School. 

In her sophomore year, Sharise '24 did her mentorship at Hoʻoulu ʻĀina, which is a nature preserve in Kalihi. Returning during her senior year, she was joined by Emily '25. Throughout the mentorship, Sharise and Emily learned about harvesting plants, clearing invasive species, planting native plants, and growing food. They used machetes and handsaws and got their hands dirty in the process.

“I learned to push myself further,” said Sharise, who trained new adult volunteers how to do things at the preserve. 

“I love transplanting every Wednesday,” said Emily.

During their presentation, Sharise demonstrated how to blow on bamboo like a conch shell, inviting the audience to try with their bamboo sticks. Despite Sharise's ease, many found it challenging.

"Now she wants to plant all these things," Sharise's dad Royden said.  

Calum '25 did his mentorship at the Central Union Windward Church Food Pantry,

Mentor Heather Wallenstrom (left) and mom Nara McDonald (right), beam with pride at Calum '25's engaging presentation.

Calum '25 did his mentorship at the Central Union Windward Church Food Pantry, where he assisted with various tasks such as shopping for food, setting up the food, and distributing it to those in need.

“I liked the returning patrons,” said Calum. “Before I started there, I had a stereotype of who needed help with food, which was untrue. A lot of the people who came were kupuna who needed help to make ends meet. I got an insight into a career path and liked that I had a leadership role and responsibility.”

Calum’s mom, Nara, also used to volunteer at the pantry. 
“The mentorship program gives students a foundational insight into what it takes to have a job: reliability, responsibility, professionalism,” said Nara. “But this mentorship experience allowed Calum to serve and get to know people in his community who are vulnerable and often marginalized. Through his mentorship, Calum recognized how necessary this kind of outreach is. He experienced first-hand the positive impact just a few hours of service can have on so many people.”

Mentor Heather Wallenstrom came to support Calum for his presentation.

The mentorship opportunities provided valuable career insights and fostered empathy, leadership, and a deeper connection to our community. The expo highlights how mentorship shapes our future leaders and compassionate citizens.

Visit our Mentorship webpage and check out our list of 400 mentorship sites.