At Assets High School, students have the opportunity to choose from a variety of campus-based mentorships. One such mentorship, blacksmithing, was visited by the Assets Journalism Team. The mentorship, which is located at Donaghho Lanai, is taught by Mr. Christopher Greywolf every Wednesday.
"Students get to choose what they make," said Greywolf. "This year's students are working on hunting daggers, a viking axe, a Japanese dagger, a Roman dagger, and a kitchen knife. The students research what methods are required to make the style of dagger/knife/tool. They also research the method of creating the handle or blade."
Wanting to gain and convey a general idea of what the mentorship is like, the team posed a number of questions to several of the mentees.
Some of the questions the team asked were as follows:
Assets Journalism Team (AJT): “Why did you choose blacksmithing as your mentorship?”
“My grandpa would make weapons in his shop and it's kind of sentimental towards that. And I picked it because it was the most interesting thing I saw.” said Brandon ‘25.
Brandon was also asked whether he would do blacksmithing again in the future.
“Yeah, it’s a possibility. I might choose it as a career,” said Brandon '25.
Team also asked questions that may be helpful to those who are brand new to blacksmithing.
AJT: “What would you say to someone who is interested in getting into blacksmithing?”
Brandon '25: “For surroundings, make sure you have all the things that are required and also look up other stuff that you need for blacksmithing, because some of the stuff that you need for blacksmithing might not be on the list that's required, like a respirator. It's basically an air filter mask.”
Jacob ‘25: “I would say just try it out, it’s pretty fun.”
Tyler ‘23 and Wyatt ‘23 at the blacksmithing mentorship at Donaghho Lanai. Photo by Nicholas '23.
AJT: “Is there anything you'd like to share about the mentorship with your fellow Assets students?”
Jacob '25: “I think it’s a great mentorship. I think it’s a good mentorship for you if you’re creative or if you like thinking outside of the box. It’s very hands-on.”
Brandon '25: “It is fun. I think whoever decided to join would really enjoy it because, I mean, you're literally pounding on a hot piece of metal and it's also a good way to get your anger out.”
Greywolf started the blacksmithing mentorship about 15 years ago with one student.
He also told me that he has been teaching the blacksmithing mentorship for about 15 years now (the blacksmithing mentorship started with him). At first it started out small, with only one student, but now there are about 8 students.
Blacksmithing has had quite a long history as a mentorship, and it is to no surprise that students enjoy everything it has to offer. Assets has created a great opportunity for anybody interested in blacksmithing, right here on campus. So to anybody interested in blacksmithing: don’t hesitate to jump at the opportunity. Be prepared, don’t forget safety at the workplace, and have fun!
Students make these practice knives with handles to learn the basics of blacksmithing. Photo by Ms. Dela Cruz.