Admissions Process
Accepting Applications for 2025-2026
Limited space is available for the 2024-2025 school year. Please contact the admissions office at (808) 423-1356.
How to Apply
Our admission team is here to assist you throughout the application process. You can apply in the following ways:
- Online: This method is recommended. Click apply now, create your account and follow the directions online.
- Paper Application: If you would prefer to complete a paper application please contact our registrar at or 808-423-1356.
Admission Requirements
Kindergarten-Grade 2
Academic Records:
Submit a copy of the final report card/progress report from the prior year: 2023-2024
Submit a copy of the most recent progress report for the current year: 2024-2025
Records may be uploaded to your online account or mailed to the registrar’s office.
Teacher Reference reports:
-Required teacher reference requests can be sent directly to the teacher as part of the application process.
-If you would like to send requests to additional teachers please use the form below.
Teacher Reference Form-Kindergarten
Teacher Reference Form Grade 1-2
If a psychoeducational or neuropsychological evaluation was completed, please submit a copy of the entire final report.
If your child was evaluated by the Hawaii Dept. of Education for special education eligibility and if the 1) Cognitive/Intellectual and 2) Academic Achievement (i.e., reading, writing, math, listening) batteries were completed, please provide copies of these reports as well as the Summary Report.
If your child has not been evaluated previously, please complete our application form, pay the $75.00 application fee, then go to this site <
An additional $120 fee will be charged to cover the cost of the assessment.
If you prefer to have a comprehensive evaluation to identify your child's strengths and needs, rule out a diagnosis, or answer specific questions, a referral list is provided for your convenience.
Testing Resources in Hawaii
All documents should be uploaded into your online application or mailed to:
Assets School Attn: Registrar
If documents are too large to upload please email to
Grade 3-5
1: Academic Records:
Submit a copy of the final report card for the prior year: 2023-2024
Submit a copy of the most recent report card for the current year: 2024-2025
Records may be uploaded to your online account or mailed to the registrar’s office.
2. Teacher Reference reports:
-Required teacher reference requests can be sent directly to the teacher as part of the application process.
-If you would like to send requests to additional teachers please use the form below.
Teacher Reference Form
Extracurricular Reference Form (Optional)
3. Testing:
Psychological (intellectual IQ) evaluation completed within the last 3 years
Achievement: standardized educational report indicating language arts and mathematics achievement levels.
Testing is required as part of the admission process in order to better understand your child’s learning profile as well as their profile of academic strengths and challenges.
If a psychoeducational or neuropsychological evaluation was completed, please submit a copy of the entire final report. If your child was evaluated by the Hawaii Dept. of Education for special education eligibility and if the 1) Cognitive/Intellectual and 2) Academic Achievement (i.e., reading, writing, math, listening) batteries were administered, please provide copies of these reports as well as the Summary Report.
If your child has not been evaluated previously, please complete our application form, pay the $75.00 application fee, then go to to schedule admissions testing. This battery addresses verbal and visual reasoning skills, processing speed, working memory, and basic reading, writing and math abilities. Testing time is approximately two hours. When you arrive for your appointment, a consent form will require your signature. There will be no follow-up written report or diagnosis; however, the Director of Admissions will review your child's results with you. Questions about this assessment may be directed to Dr. Elsa Lee at
An additional $240 fee will be charged to cover the cost of admissions testing.
If you prefer to have a comprehensive evaluation to identify your child's strengths and needs, rule out a diagnosis, validate the need for accommodations, or answer specific questions, a referral list is provided for your convenience. Testing Resources in Hawaii
All documents should be uploaded into your online application or mailed to:
Assets School Attn: Registrar
Note: Teacher References should be sent directly to Assets from the evaluator.
If documents are too large to upload please email to
Grade 6-11
1: Academic Records:
Submit a copy of the final report card for the prior year: 2023-2024
Submit a copy of the most recent report card for the current year: 2024-2025
Grade 10 & 11 only: Official Transcript outlining courses taken and credits received.
Records may be uploaded to your online account or mailed to the registrar’s office.
2: Teacher Reference reports:
-Required teacher reference requests can be sent directly to the teacher as part of the application process.
-If you would like to send requests to additional teachers please use the forms below:
Teacher Reference Form
Extracurricular Reference Form (Optional)
3. Testing:*
Psychological (intellectual IQ) evaluation completed within the last 3 years
Achievement: standardized educational report indicating language arts and mathematics achievement levels.
Testing is required as part of the admission process in order to better understand your child’s learning profile as well as their profile of academic strengths and challenges. See the testing and evaluation information tab below for details.
* Not required for High School Summer Sessions or Enrichment Classes
If a psychoeducational or neuropsychological evaluation was completed, please submit a copy of the entire final report. If your child was evaluated by the Hawaii Dept. of Education for special education eligibility and if the 1) Cognitive/Intellectual and 2) Academic Achievement (i.e., reading, writing, math, listening) batteries were administered, please provide copies of these reports as well as the Summary Report.
If your child has not been evaluated previously, please complete our application form, pay the $75.00 application fee, then go to this site to schedule admissions testing. This battery addresses verbal and visual reasoning skills, processing speed, working memory, and basic reading, writing and math abilities. Testing time is approximately two hours. When you arrive for your appointment, a consent form will require your signature. There will be no follow-up written report or diagnosis; however, the Director of Admissions will review your child's results with you. Questions about this assessment may be directed to Dr. Elsa Lee at
An additional $240 fee will be charged to cover the cost of admissions testing.
If you prefer to have a comprehensive evaluation to identify your child's strengths and needs, rule out a diagnosis, validate the need for accommodations, or answer specific questions, a referral list is provided for your convenience. Testing Resources in Hawaii
All documents should be uploaded into your online application or mailed to:
Assets School Attn: Registrar
Note: Teacher References should be sent directly to Assets from the evaluator.
If documents are too large to upload please email to
Summer School
Grade K-12 Academic Summer School:
New Applicants for Summer only:
The process is the same as for Fall Admission. See tabs above. -
Current Students:
Registration for Summer Classes will be available on the parent portal, you do not need to complete an application. -
Non-Assets Students returning for Summer school:
Complete and submit the online application, most recent report card and a teacher reference from a current teacher. Teacher Reference Form
There is no application fee, contact the registrar's office for a fee waiver code.
K-8 Summer Academies: (Art, Drama)
New applicants and students returning for summer:
Complete and submit the online application as well as a teacher reference from a current teacher. Teacher Reference Form -
Current Students:
Registration for Summer Classes will be available on the parent portal, you do not need to complete an application.
Additional Information
Admission Timeline and Decisions
Once the file is complete, the Admissions Committee will evaluate your child’s strengths and challenges to determine if Assets School is an appropriate fit. Our Director of Admissions will contact you upon completion of the review. Summer school is not required for new applicants, however it is strongly recommended.
Admission Decisions
Assets School does not have an application deadline, however space fills quickly. Applications that are complete in January will receive admission decisions in April and May; according to the Hawaii Association of Independent schools guidelines.
ROLLING ADMISSIONS: We will continue to accept students throughout the year based upon space availability and the student's learning profile.
Applications will be not be acted on until all required items have been completed. Students with maladaptive behaviors are not considered. Full disclosure is required. All nondiscriminatory policies apply. Disabled applicants or disabled family members of applicants requiring any type of accommodation during the application process or otherwise are encouraged to identify themselves and indicate the type of accommodation(s) needed.
Testing and Evaluation information
IQ testing is part of our application process because the data allows us to better understand a studentʻs learning profile. Scores from the IQ test gives us a “heads up” so that teachers may respond proactively rather than reactively; information saves time and, more importantly, anguish, especially insofar as the student is concerned.
Achievement testing helps us understand the student’s profile of strengths and challenges. If reading comprehension skills are in question, individual testing looks at foundational skills that make reading comprehension possible: Phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, and vocabulary. Same goes for written expression and math.
The Research Building Blocks for Teaching Children to Read
from The National Institute for Literacy: Put Reading First
Testing may be obtained from the state Department of Education (DOE) or from local professional diagnostic testing/evaluation services. Testing administered by the Department of Education to establish an IEP or 504 plan usually fulfills the testing requirements. Note: Not all DOE testing is for Specific Learning Disorders.
New This Year: Admissions testing is available as part of the application process.
See Admission Requirements by grade level for details.
For referrals, call the Hawaii Chapter of the International Dyslexia Association (808-538-7007), the Learning Disabilities Association of Hawaii (808-536-9684), or our admission office (808-423-1356).
Testing Resources in Hawaii
Downloadable Reference forms
Teacher Reference Report Kindergarten
Teacher Reference Report Gr 1-11
Administrator Report Gr 6-11
Extracurricular Reference Report (Optional)
Consent to Release Information (Kindergarten)
Electronic reference forms are also available in our new admissions portal