Mentorship Progam
Assets' Mentorship Program is a required course that extends learning beyond the curriculum, enhances self-esteem through career-related responsibility, and provides access to community role models. The program challenges and develops students’ strengths, talents, and interests. It helps students make critical connections between school-based academics and hands-on experience that support their personal and career development. Mentorships culminate in April of each year when students present their learning to parents, mentors, guests, faculty, and administrators at the Mentorship Expo.
For more information about our Annual Mentorship Expo, click on the program above.
For questions regarding our Mentorship Program, please reach out to Jason Wagner, HS Dean of Student Life & Mentorship Program Coordinator.
9th Grade
The Mentorship Program for our freshmen provides a solid foundation for their future experiences in workplace environments. Select faculty members serve as freshmen mentors who offer students the opportunity to join specialized campus-based teams and develop skills in specific focus areas, such as robotics, gardening, visual arts, photojournalism, robotics, and blacksmithing.
10th-12th Grades
The mentorship experience broadens considerably for sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Based on students’ interests and personal qualifications, Assets matches students with various companies and organizations in the community. Students work for high school credit at their mentorship sites weekly for the full Wednesday school day during hours mutually beneficial to students and mentors.
View Assets High School 2023 Mentorship Presentations
Mentorship 2023